Browse municipalities
Page for browsing the municipalities or searching the name of municipality, region or district and displaying them in the list and on the map.
Form for searching a country, region, district or municipality
- Field for entering the search term (the minimum length of the search term is 2 characters)
- Button to confirm the entered term search
- Confirmation of the specified term search can also be done by pressing Enter
Map with points representing the municipalities found
- Points of municipalities found - click the point to be redirected to the specific municipality profile
- Map/satellite - switches the graphic design of map
- Lock/unlock the moving and zooming using scrolling the map with your mouse - used primarily for touch devices
- Possibility to use Google StreetView
- +/- Map zoom
List of municipalities found
- Municipality coat of arms - an active element, click to see the municipality profile
- Municipality name - click to see the municipality profile
- Active name of district, region and country - click to search for all the municipalities in the selected area
The numbers represent the pages with municipalities found; click a number to see a relevant page of municipalities found. In case of a large number of municipalities found, a pager is smartly shortened and displays the first and the last page and the current page and the next 3 pages upwards and downwards.